Note: This is a work in progress while Pipi is documented and put into production. Feedback is welcome.
Pipi is a system built out of hundreds of autonomous engines. There is an upper limit of 17,576 engines. Most engines contain other engines. There are often multiple copies of the same engine to share the work. Each engine is fully functional providing some service to the collective as well as interacting with others. The resulting complexity produces noise, multiple emergent properties and adaption as a response to the immediate environment.
Each engine has
The documentation is presented in this format
Code | Engine | Description | Status |
alg | Algorithm Engine | Registry and deploys algorithms. | Development |
api | API Engine | Application Programming Interface (API). | |
aui | AUI Engine | Abstract User Interface (AUI). | |
bor | BORO Engine | ||
brs | Browser Engine | Experimental | |
cas | CAS Engine | Complex Adaptive System (CAS). | |
cde | Code Engine | ||
cgi | CGI Engine | ||
cmd | Shell Engine | Shell scripting. | |
cms | CMS Engine | Content Management System (CMS). | Production |
cnd | Conductor Engine | ||
cnf | Config Engine | ||
cny | Canary Engine | Canary release. | Development |
cor | Core Engine | The core of Pipi. | Production |
cps | CPS Engine | Complex Physical System (CPS). | |
cpx | Complexity Engine | Provides a non-deterministic environment for adaption. | |
css | CSS Engine | Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). | Production |
ctx | Context Engine | ||
cui | CUI Engine | Concrete User Interface (CUI). | |
dao | DAO Engine | Creates Data Access Objects (DAO) layer between code packages and databases. | Development |
dir | Directory Engine | Renders file system directories. | Testing |
dmn | Domain Engine | ||
doc | Doc Engine | Simplified CMS to generate "JavaDocs" style documentation sets. | Production |
dom | DOM Engine | Document Object Model (DOM). | |
dta | Data Engine | Administers databases. | Production |
Deployment Engine | Deploys application instances. | Production | |
dvp | DevOps Engine | ||
eng | Engine Engine | Where the critical engines live. | Production |
ent | Entity Engine | Production | |
fac | Factory Engine | Builds all engines. | Production |
ffg | Feature Flag Engine | ||
fil | File Engine | Production | |
fld | Folder Engine | Virtual folders for User Interface. | Testing |
ftp | FTP Engine | ||
fui | FUI Engine | Final User Interface (FUI). | |
hst | Host Engine | An internal digital twin of the external host environment. | |
lng | Language Engine | Human languages. | Development |
log | Log Engine | Logs. | Testing |
mdl | Module Engine | Module Engine. | Development |
msc | Message Channel Engine | Messaging Channels. | Testing |
msg | Message Engine | Pipi-wide messaging. | Production |
nde | Node Engine | Production | |
nsp | Namespace Engine | Provides Pipi-wide Namespaces. | Production |
par | Parameter Engine | ||
pge | Page Engine | Production | |
phl | Philosophy Engine | The science of thinking. | Development |
plw | Physical Law Engine | Laws of physics. | Planned |
Plugin Engine | Registers plugins for use. | Planned | |
prm | Primative Engine | Testing | |
pub | Publication Engine | Publications. | Production |
red | Reductionist Engine | Provides superficial deterministic interfaces for applications. | Production |
Reference Engine | Provides a store of formal external references. | Development | |
rep | Repository Engine | Read-only machine-readable local storage of schema, ontologies, etc. | Planned |
rle | Rule Engine | Rules. | Testing |
rnd | Render Engine | Renders static files including, HTML CSS, code and databases. | Production |
sec | Security Engine | Security. | Production |
sta | State Engine | ||
sys | System Engine | Identity, birth, life and death. | Production |
tem | Template Engine | Page layout templates. | Production |
Topic Engine | Provides a series of controlled vocabularies (topic maps). | Development | |
trn | Transform Engine | Development | |
usi | UI Engine | User Interface (UI). | |
Update Engine | Design | ||
usp | User Profile Engine | User Profile. | Production |
usr | User Engine | Provisions a user account. | Testing |
var | Variables Engine | Pipi-wide variables. | Testing |
ver | Versioning Engine | Versioning. | Production |
vma | Virtual Machine Engine | Virtual Machines. | Planned |
wbs | Website Engine | Websites. | Production |
wfl | Workflow Engine | Workflow Engine. | Testing |
wik | Wiki Engine | Simplified CMS to generate "Wiki" style documentation sets. | Production |